I set myself a personal goal to run 1000km in 2018. I am also a keen ‘plogger’ (a person that picks up litter whilst jogging!) and that gives my running an added purpose.
I also started strength training to build up my shoulder and ward against osteoporosis, which my Mum had had.
I was always very apprehensive about lifting weights but love the feeling of accomplishment and the body confidence it has given me. I
t helped my arm so much I was strong enough to qualify as a Pool Lifeguard and realise a childhood dream.
My next goal is learning to surf. After one lesson, I can see it will take a long time for me to ride a wave and that’s ok!
What I have learned is that for me keeping active is about joy, gratitude and building my self-confidence. I would recommend to every woman who is going through difficult situations, the menopause or simply wants to age healthily to find something that she enjoys and to make time in her life for it.
Her physical, mental and emotional wellbeing will benefit hugely. I wish her well!