The video begins with the camera following a woman walking through a changing room towards a swimming pool. An upbeat music track starts with single notes before developing into a fast, drum-based tempo that continues throughout the video.
There’s then a quick transition of several different scenes: a woman jogging on a country path; a close-up of a woman on a stationary bike; a mother in exercise clothing lifting her baby; a trainer shouting “Let’s go!”; and a woman with a prosthetic leg jogging on a path.
More scenes of women engaging in physical activity pan quickly from right to left, in rectangle frames; they are interspersed with white text captions on a black screen. Firstly, there’s woman with a pram in a park, then women running and swimming.
The text reads: “So far”
“We’ve inspired”
“Over 3 million women”
Around the outside of the latter caption, large and small circular images of women of different ages being active appear.
As the tempo of the drumbeat increases, some still images with overlaid mantras from the This Girl Can campaign appear in very quick succession:
- A wheelchair tennis player with the text: “Talk to the backhand.”
- A boxer with the text: “Under these gloves is a beautiful manicure.”
- A swimmer with the text: “I swim because I love my body. Not because I hate it.”
- A cyclist with the text: “I’m slow but I’m lapping everyone on the couch.”
- A footballer with the text: “I kick balls. Deal with it.”
- The runner on the country path that we saw earlier, with the text: “I jiggle, therefore I am.”
- A netball player with the text: “My game face has lipstick on it.”
- A woman in a fitness class with the text: “Sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox.”
- An older woman gripping the hand of a younger man on a frosty pitch, with the text: “I am acting my age.”
We then see more moving images that transition quickly from right to left in time with the beat: a woman jogging by houses on a street; a woman walking her dog on a country lane; a woman with a swim cap in a pool; a woman doing a high-energy dance; a woman lifting a barbell; and a woman stretching at home with her young daughter.
As a follow-on to “over 3 million women”, another white caption appears on a black screen that reads: “However they damn well like!”
There’s a further quick transition from a scene of a woman using a hula hoop in her kitchen to a girl hanging from rings in a park.
White captions appear word-by-word on a black screen that read:
“But we couldn’t have done it without”
“our fabulous community of”
“women supporting women.”
We return to scenes of women being active panning from right to left in rectangular frames: skipping in a yard; stretching on a yoga mat; and on a climbing wall.
This time there are also small screengrabs of supportive social media posts dotted around, as well as flying hearts.
We hear the voice of a woman, who appears on screen talking halfway through the first sentence as part of the panning scenes.
She says: “I started working out on my periods and actually found, if I get it early on, that it can actually relieve some of the pain. And it’s a good distraction.”
The first social post is from Helene and reads: ‘This! Just keep moving one step at a time.’
The second social post is from Elaine and reads: ‘Go Glynnis.’
The third social post is from Danielle and reads: ‘This is brilliant! Love to get into something like this for adult beginners. Do you have links to places that offer it?’
The voice of a woman, who is initially running through a field before talking on screen, says: “Running has really helped me to gain confidence in what I’m wearing. It’s helped me feel just happier in myself.”
A fourth social post is from Angela and reads: ‘You go! Up those mountains and across those lakes.’
We pan across from a woman swinging on a large hoop from the ceiling to a young woman punching bags in boxing gloves.
We hear the boxer’s voice before, for her final words, she appears on screen talking. She says: “I’m more energised and then I feel like I could go kickboxing and go to class because I feel like I’m not tired at all. I’m like ‘let’s do this!’”
A fifth social post is from Andrea and reads: ‘You are such an inspiration, beautiful lady.’
A sixth social post is from Aggie and reads: ‘So true! I need to stop beating myself up about being slow.’
The final scene that pans into view is a young woman on roller skates in a skate park.
We then transition to white captions on a black screen, which read: “Thank you for sharing your stories”.
“Stories” then drops down and out, to be replaced in turn by “progress” and “tips”.
The whole sentence is then replaced by “And cheering each other on!”
There are four more rectangular frames featuring close-up shots of women smiling while being active.
A caption appears to the right of quickly transitioning frames of four more smiling woman and girls, one of whom is wearing a gum shield. It reads: “Thanks for being with us over the last 10 years.”
These are bumped out by another caption to the left of more frames of women and girls dancing, roller-skating, embracing and playing rugby. It reads: “But the work continues”.
There’s a wide aerial shot of a large group of women dancing on an enormous This Girl Can logo and looking at the camera.
A caption appears word-by-word on screen that reads: “We’re not leaving any woman behind.”
The final scene is a wide view of a pan across a park, with a woman pushing a pram in the distance. The logos of This Girl Can, The National Lottery and Sport England are overlaid. This fades to black.